300+ installations in 20 years so far!

We advise, supply, install, refurbish, and maintain specialist sport surfaces and facilities

Telephone 0117 214 1009 for assistance

Case Studies

Rhondda Leisure Centre

Rhondda Leisure Centre

We were asked by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council to carry out a deep clean of the leisure centre sports floor following the hall being used as a Vaccine hub in the COVID fight. Using specialist equipment and chemicals to remove dirt and tape, the floor was...

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Teeside University

Teeside University

Having installed our Linotop Sports Floor into the then new sports centre some 19 years ago, the university took the decision to replace the floor with the same system. The process of removing the old system which consisted of the removal of the Sport Linoleum, 2mm of...

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Hawthorn Leisure Centre

Hawthorn Leisure Centre

Used as a storage facility by the council during the COVID fight, the sports floor at Hawthorn Leisure Centre required a refresh. The process involved the though deep clean of the floor using specialist equipment and chemicals to remove all contaminates, repairs to...

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Newport High School

Newport High School

Having installed the sports floor some 16 years ago and following its recent duty as a vaccine centre in the fight against COVID, the sports floor at Newport High School needed a makeover to bring it back to a performance sports surface free from all the temporary...

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Enham Trust

Enham Trust

In early 2021 4Runner Sport Surfaces worked closely in partnership with Fieldform Ltd to install a specialist sports floor for the Enham Trust in Andover. Enham Trust is a charitable Trust supporting disabled people to Live, work and enjoy life as independently as...

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Sheffield University

Sheffield University

4Runner work closely with Sport Sheffield located at the Goodwin Centre at the Sheffield University in maintaining its sport facilities. Having recently carried out a deep clean of the sports hall floor and repainting the various games lines to bring the sports hall...

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Bulford Camp

Bulford Camp

4Runner Sport Surfaces worked closely with Aspire defence to assist in selecting the most appropriate surface for the Gym area in the new Intermediate Care Facility At Bulford Camp. The Gym area was to house various gym equipment from Cardio Vascular machines though...

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Wellsway School

Wellsway School

4Runner sport Surfaces was selected by Wellsway Multi Academy Trust to carry out the repair to their Beech timber sports floor following water ingress. The work was carried out very carefully due to the presence of underfloor heating pipes just beneath the timber...

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4Runner Sports Surfaces

Email: sales@4runnerltd.co.uk

Tel: 0117 214 1009



4 Runner Sports Flooring

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